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Requirement Specification Document

Please use this template to document your proposed software project requirements.

Problem Statement


A few sentences that describe the problem you are trying to solve. In other words, state why this software project is needed.

Proposed Solution


A few sentences that describe how your proposed software solution will solve the problem stated above.

Potential Clients


Identify those who are affected by this problem and would benefit from the proposed solution (i.e., the potential users of the software you are going to build).

Functional Requirements


List the requirements that software needs to have to solve the problem stated above. It is useful to group the requirements into those that are essential (must-have), and those which are non-essential (but nice-to-have).

Software Architecture & Technology Stack


Will this be a Web/desktop/mobile (all, or some other kind of) application? Would it conform to specific software architecture? What programming languages, frameworks, databases, ..., will be used to develop and deploy the software?

Similar Existing Apps


List a few similar applications to the one you are developing. Don't be eager to conclude no similar app exists! There is always something similar to what you are building! Finding those will help you to better specify your project. You must be prepared to explain how your app is different from the existing ones.

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